We also have a couple of additional parts going down on two tracks on Monday, a new piano piece on 'Walk Away' and a fiddle on 'Parkside Road' then it's final mix time. The plan is to get the album into mastering by the end of next week, with a planned release date set for 19th August when I'll be playing The Borders Bash in Scotland.
The album as it stands has been played to a few select people to date and the reaction has been great. I'm very happy with all the tracks now and 4 in particular have gone way beyond where i expected them too. It's always a strange thing when recording that the songs that are your strongest live aren't always the tracks that stand out when recorded, often it is the less obvious tracks that shine out. I'll leave you to decide which you think work well once the album is out.
On the live front I have a busy few weeks playing The Butler, Deja Vu, the Rhu Bar and the excellent Betties Blues stage at Caversham Festival _ What a great day, good weather, great friends and an excellently run festival which was completely free.
The next big event is the Borders Bash up in Galashiels on August 19th to the 21st, tickets are available from the site www.bordersbash.co.uk get em quick as they're going fast.
Well that's it for now, catch ya'll later
Jack Cade